East Riding Aesthetics & Wellness

How can we help you?

Wednesday 1st April 2020
Tracey Dennison

Gosh, how things have changed.  Looking back at the last blog when simple infection control measures were being advocated, it seems a world away from the lockdown we currently find ourselves in.

Our clinical treatments stopped mid-March as the extent of Covid 19 became increasingly apparent however, we are still around and available to support you in any way we are able at the present time.

Many of you know that Tracey has always continued her NHS caseload.  With the global pandemic in full swing Tracey is now back full time in the NHS for the duration of the crisis but will be back in clinic as soon as possible.  The health and safety of our patients is always our first priority, so whilst we are anxious to be back, it will not be until it’s entirely safe to do so.

We are keeping in touch though.  Our Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/426495171551363/?epa=SEARCH_BOX and page https://www.facebook.com/EastRidingAestheticsLtd/ are both very active offering information, education, humour and support.  We’re also running weekly chat spots ‘coffee with Tracey and …’ so you can get to know people involved with the business or who we think would be interesting to chat to and may be helpful for you to know about.

We are keen to support your engagement with our group and as such will be gifting some beautiful skincare to the person who contributes the most over the month of April (we may do the same for May if the lockdown continues) – this is clinical grade skincare so well worth the effort of keeping in touch!

We want to support, help and educate in anyway you need at the moment so please let us know what would help.  These are tough times for everyone so anything we can do to bring some joy, lift the mood or give you something to look forward to will be considered!

Take care everyone, keep safe and well, reach out if you need anything.

Love to all,

Tracey and the ERA team

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